How Government and Campus Hippies Spawned the Internet: On ‘ARPANET,’ President Eisenhower and 1960–90’s California

John Lillywhite
Hard Disc
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2020


ARPANET interface for Xerox PARC’s PDP-10 (Wikimedia)

The Internet began at once within and against government. The 1969 the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPANET) consisted of a few connected computers located in the basement of university and military buildings (Verhulst et al, 2016, p. 98).

A decade later an important stage in the development of Internet regulation arrived with the creation of the “Internet Configuration Control Board” (ICCB), which was itself initiated by the “Defense Advanced Research Project Agency” (DARPA) of the United States government (Wolfgang Kleinwachter, 2007, p. 44). At this stage Internet research was financed by the US military. They retained a light touch, but overall control.

the ‘Advanced Research Project Agency’ (ARPA), which incubated the Internet as a special project, was established alongside NASA in 1958 by the Eisenhower administration, to respond to the challenges of the first Soviet Sputnik

It is also worth recalling that the ‘Advanced Research Project Agency’ (ARPA), which incubated the Internet as a special project, was established alongside NASA in 1958 by the Eisenhower administration, to respond to the challenges of the first Soviet Sputnik, launched in October 1957 (Ibid). At this stage of its lifecycle, the Internet was nurtured and in part conceived by a sovereign government.

An essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in Global Diplomacy of the University of London International Programmes. Read the full article on Academia below.

Read the full article on Academia.

